
The first Environmental Impact Assessment carried out by AS Entec Eesti (operating then under name of Entec AS) in 1992 was financed by Finnish Ministry of Environment and it concerned Sludge Treatment of Hog farm in Kehtna.

During 1995…1996 Entec carried out Environmental Reviews for Kunda Nordic Cement Corp. Reports were required by International Financing Corporation (IFC) to review changes in environment during renovation period of cement factory

AS Entec Eesti is able to carry out environmental audits and expertises concerning technologies, infrastructures, land use plans, comprehensive plans, strategic plans etc. Also audits and due diligences prepared by AS Pöyry Entec have been important documents for our clients by privatisation process. AS Entec Eesti is also able to carry out soil- and air pollution studies and feasibility studies for planning different environmental objects.

See also our References:

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Audit

Air Pollution; Soil Contamination


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